A BA brasileira usa uma analogia musical para explicar como se pode desenvolver e aplicar uma mentalidade de análise de negócios em diferentes níveis de expertise.
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Feel like your business analysis career has stalled? Not sure what step to take next? Consider joining a membership program that will provide you with resources such as a community and network of
Virtual networking is simple. These 4 tips can help you as a business analysis professional.
Why should you care about agile? Explore this curated list of IIBA’s top blogs on Agile.
This blog is a summary of the article New Techniques Business Analysts Will Need to Leverage Post-Pandemic from the July issue of IIBA’s members e-magazine BA Lens.
It is with great sadness that we share the news of the passing of Dr Cecily Macdougall.
If your company has made it through COVID-19, it’s officially a data company. How technology has shaped the future and here’s why that’s something to celebrate.
Navigating disruption is challenging and envisioning the future can be difficult. In this webinar, IIBA's present and past Board Chairs discuss how focusing on business analysis capabilities
Business analysis and business data analytics – A powerful and essential partnership Although business data analytics and business analysis have been used interchangeably, there are some
Improve your productivity and advance your business analysis career by using emotional intelligence at work. Here’s how.