Want to increase your professionalism and influence as a business analyst? If so, be sure to avoid these 3 bad habits.
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Business analysis developed as a profession in a world where most big companies realized the need for information management and business process automation had to build software applications to
In order for any project or initiative to be successful, an agreed upon business need must be determined. This need may present itself as a problem or an opportunity. Business Analysts must be
Agile has become a major part of business models and business agility, beyond the technology space. In a recent International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA) salary survey conducted by
“In the Life of a BA” is IIBA’s new scenarios-based series that tells the inspiring stories of BA’s, like you, sharing their experiences and learnings in the world of business analysis.
There are many parallels between Cricket and Agile. Here are just a few.
In today’s online learning age digital credentials are popular amongst both employees and employers. “With digital badging employers can verify your credentials and they can check what skills and
A good way to make sure you are is by implementing an analysis technique of creating Personas. Personas are important in so many ways, because they really bring out the roles, goals, and
Agile analysis is trending, but why? How will the rise of agile analysis affect all business analysts? Becoming informed in this area will help to give you a competitive edge as a BA.
In today’s business world many of us have experienced situations similar to the position the groom faced. We find ourselves charged with the responsibility to fulfill a job that has deficient