As the Internet of Things and autonomous devices transform daily life, business analysis will play a critical role in navigating their impact.
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As the world wrestles with emerging technologies, investing in character education can help us deliver against business analysis values and behavioural competencies.
Business analysts have a unique opportunity to help open source communities succeed.
Start a rewarding career in business analysis with these five tips.
For the inaugural Business Analysis Blueprint series, we chatted with IIBA Kansas City Technical Director Ana Duncan about the business analysis community and the value of certification.
What makes the business analysis profession thrive? Dedicated IIBA volunteers. This International Volunteer Day, learn how you can contribute too.
The latest IIBA Corporate Benchmark Report provides insights into the strategies and practices that drive business analysis success.
O analista de negócios brasileiro fala sobre o seu percurso pessoal no IIBA e sobre as últimas actualizações da comunidade portuguesa de análise de negócios.
Looking back, 2023 was a big year for the Business Analysis Live! podcast. Here are four of the top episodes as decided by you, the listener.
Thinking about a career in business analysis? Explore the Entry Certificate in Business Analysis—an important first step on your journey.