The Brazilian BA discusses the business analysis mindset through an engaging series of podcast conversations.
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Landing for your first job can be challenging. A great way to overcome the lack of ‘real world’ experience is to earn an Entry Certificate in Business Analysis offered by the International
When business analysis professionals link their plan to the organization’s strategy, they get better results. Here’s how to accomplish this.
Webinar: Women in Business Analysis webinar panelists will share insights into the challenges and opportunities for women working in business analysis. Our expert panel will share their
IIBA’s recent public webinar, Why Get Certified? with panelists Michael Roberts, Director of Customer Engagement at ASPE and Michael White, founder and president of The Business Analysis Doctor,
A great tool I learned from one manager when creating any given communication, such as a presentation, a whitepaper, or probably most important for you here, your resume, is to challenge the
Turn your camera on during meetings to keep your remote team engaged.
Wondering how you can optimize your business analysis practice? Find practical tips here.
Being familiar with the 4 types of Product Owner will help you strengthen your weak points so you can successfully transition to a POA role.
Through my interview with him, I was reminded of the Ralph Waldo Emerson quote: “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” As an active 71-year-old,