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If you are a Business Analyst (BA) working on an agile team, you know how important your role is, but do others? Your answer will vary depending on whether you work with SCRUM diehards that
Since 2008, more than 12,000 BA professionals have attended from North America, Europe, South Africa, Australia and Asia to hear from countless influencers and practice experts.
Wouldn’t you like to have a fabulous travel experience? ‘Instagrammable' I hope! This statement possibly captures the new theme of personal travel in this day and age. From unique, enjoyable,
Agile Extension practices advocate that what makes a truly agile space is being able to conform to current realities to ensure value is given with the delivery. Overlaying this in reality gives a
Why Every Agile Team Needs a Business Analyst | IIBA® Business Analysis Blog Business Analysis Blog | Why Every Agile Team Needs a Business Analyst | IIBA back to all blogs Here are several
In fact, IIBA’s most recent Global Business Analysis Salary Survey found that nearly 70% of respondents have worked in an agile context. From 2017 to 2019, the use of agile techniques increased
Although you can leverage your core underlying competencies, which provide a strong foundation for success, there are some key new components to master.
IIBA has some exciting news to share! We have relaunched our online BA Lens magazine as an exclusive member content source.
IIBA has just sent out our 2019 salary survey where we’ll look at the ecosystem in place for today’s business analysis professional. Our profession has a myriad of job titles, so the title of